Monday, September 17, 2007

Cat Behavior - Cat Spraying

Cat spraying or cat marking as some people call it can be a very annoying problem to solve. Cats spray for a number of reasons, do you know why your’s is?

Cat’s can spray for any number of reasons. The major reasons cat may mark something is due to stress or the wanting to mark their territory. If your cat is spraying figure out why and then you can more quickly solve the problem.

Many cats spray when they are stressed out. If you recently moved into a new house the cat may be very nervous in this new environment and end up spraying furniture as a result. Other reasons cat can get stressed out and spray is new visitors in the house, a new baby in the house, or even something like a change in the household routine.

Could any of these be the reason your cat is spraying?

Another reason your cat might be spraying is breeding season. Even though your cat is an indoor cat, they probably sit by the screen door or look out the window at the other neighborhood cats. If it is breeding season of the neighborhood stray cats outside your window your cat might be worked up too and feel the need to spray.

In cases like this the easy thing to do is to cover the bottom of the window so your cat cannot see other stray cats in the yard.

One of the most common reason cats spray could be due to simply wanting to mark their territory. If you start to try and identify the true cause of your cat’s spraying you can more quickly come up with a plan to stop it.

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