Monday, September 17, 2007

Cat Behavior - Cat Urine Issues

Many owners struggle with cat urine issues. They could range from the cat not using the litter box to figuring out how to clean urine from the carpeting. Cat urine issues don’t have to take up your whole life.

Cat urine issues are one of the most frustrating things people who have cats with behavioral problems deal with. Nothing is more upsetting for a cat owner than to se e your cat suffering and your bed sheets ruined.

The first place you should start off with when dealing with cat urine issues is your veterinarian. There they can rule out any possible medical issues when it comes to cats not using the litter box. Two of the most common medical reasons why a cat may stop using the litter box are feline lower urinary tract disease and a lower urinary tract infection.

Once you have ruled medical causes out you need to start investigating why your cat has stopped using the litter box. One of the most common behavior reasons why a cat may stop using the litter box is stress. This stress could be from a new cat in the house, a new baby, or even a change in the house hold routine.

Another thing to do when dealing with cat urine issues is to make sure you thoroughly clean your carpet or bedding where the cat urinated. You need to do this because if a cat smells urine in that location, it is likely to use that area again for a litter box.

Remember when dealing with cat urine issues go through some basic investigatory steps to find the cause and then come up with a good treatment plan.

Visit my cat behavior blog for great easy tips to help you with your cat behavior problem. Or just sign up for my newsletter: The Cat Behavior Specialist

I also like to help people struggling with the cat behavior problems. Please email me if you need help, I have helped dozens already.

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